Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Love

Somehow the time has completely slipped away from me, as it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post. There seems to be a bit of a time warp here, as the days seem long, but time passes quickly.

I have successfully survived my first 2 weeks of teaching and things are going really well! I enjoy my classes, and the transition has been interesting/exciting. The most unique dynamic thus far has been adjusting to the wide range of language comprehension levels, as I am teaching 24 different classes, from beginner-level preschool students all the way up to adult-level classes. WOW is definitely an understatement, but planning for and adapting to such a broad scope of knowledge is keeping me on my toes! Of course there are days that are easier/more fun than others, but I am very happy and enjoying the experience. God bless teachers in America who claim this profession and dedicate their lives to educating the youth of our nation for virtually no money and very little recognition!

I am so thankful to have a wonderful host family, as well as a great group of teachers who have also become my friends. My Spanish is progressing, very slowly, but surely, and I have been exceptionally fortunate thus far, as I have not encountered any illness or travel-related travesty (knock on wood!!!). I have come to love and very much look forward to Skype time with family/boyfriend/friends, but am also happy that things in my life here are beginning to feel a bit more settled.

Today I introduced St. Patrick's Day celebrations to my group and hosted a small gathering this evening, complete with snacks, very American desserts, and of course plenty of cerveza! While we did not have corned beef, cabbage, or Irish car bombs, it was a nice night with friends.

Tomorrow morning we are heading just south of Buenos Aires to San Pedro for some quality Sunday Funday rest and relaxation. Of course I have been avidly following NCAA basketball, as well as teaching students about this exciting sports showcase in some of my higher-level classes. I am hopeful that tomorrow while sitting by the river enjoying mimosas we will be able to celebrate and 'Cheers' to another Wolfpack victory!

Much love from Argentina!

1 comment:

  1. "respect for teachers who work for virtually no money and very little recognition!" -- AMEN, sistah! It is a hard job, but someone's got to do it. :)

    Sounds like you're having a great time thus far. Keep up the good work! I want more pics!!
