Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thankful on this Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday the world over (one of my favorite times of the year), as well as Masters Sunday in America. This is the first year in many that I have not been charged to plan tremendous Easter weekend events, & honestly, it is bittersweet. While I cannot say I miss dressing in a gigantic bunny suit, I have always enjoyed the mass chaos of organizing an egg hunt, & especially love early Easter morning church service.

I have returned to Argentina following a much-needed week back in the United States with family & friends. Today provides an opportunity for me to reflect & give thanks - I am blessed to have so much love in my life. One of the most enjoyable & important things to me in this world is spending time with the people I care about. I have always known this & I realize how fortunate I am. Family & friends – people who have done incredible things for me & continue to support me throughout (& sometimes despite of) my accomplishments, mishaps, & well-intended, albeit, ill-advised adventures in life.

Leaving again was tough, to say the least, but I look forward to completing my commitment & successfully finishing out the last 2+ months of my teaching here in South America.

Today, whether you are inspired by Easter, or simply by the light-hearted sentiments of spring, take a moment to meditate on the processes by which you will renew & be inspired. Go out & do good things in the world. Better days are ahead.

Embrace the spirit of rebirth & renewal that this holiday brings...
Praise be to the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

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