Monday, February 13, 2012

Packing Up & Counting Down

Sunday PM

This evening I am taking it easy after a bachelorette trip to Orlando in celebration of one of my very best friends. What a fantastic time! It was so much fun to have a great girls' weekend, and even as an adult, the Disney World/roller coaster excitement/theme park experience is still really exciting.

I have to admit, packing to leave the country for 6 months is daunting, so I'm trying my not to go overboard (especially when it comes to shoes). I leave for Argentina Tuesday evening, and am looking forward to spending some time with the family before I leave.

The past week has been wonderful, as I have been able to see lots of friends and loved, including a wonderful trip to the coast toe spend time with my Sherrod family (see travel companion picture below).

Monday AM

Last night we headed to Grey's  (one of my favorite local pubs in GSO) so I could enjoy what I assume will be my last yummy black bean burger with for a while. I've heard nothing but incredibly good things about the wine and steak in Argentina, so I MIGHT have to consider putting the vegetarian tendencies aside for a while...but we'll see.

Heading to West End this morning to have lunch with the family and drop off my car. I fly out of Charlotte tomorrow afternoon around 5:00 pm and arrive in Buenos Aires Wednesday morning around 7:00 am. From there I will take a shuttle/bus into the city to meet up with the rest of the group staying in the Palermo district. Hoping for an uneventful flight and transportation experience.

Once in Buenos Aires, our training begins Wednesday afternoon, and will include Spanish and teaching methodology, as well as cultural differences regarding communication and the Argentine education system. I expect this to be intense, but an interesting experience.

Will post an update upon arrival!

My 'Pocket Pillow' hand crafted by Aubrey, Andrew, Jacob, and Anna Sherrod. More pictures to follow of destination shots upon arrival.

Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read the blog!! Hope you had drama-free travels today. Bienvenida a Argentina :)
